A Toolkit to Prepare for PWB周 2023

联系人: 克劳迪娅·理查兹
Senior Director, Community Member Support
(202) 266-8211

Help raise awareness about women in the residential construction industry by celebrating PWB周. 这些工具将帮助你关注我们行业中女性的工作和成就. 使用建议 council activities to plan your week 和 be sure to click on the daily list of tasks 下面. 视图 sample social media posts 这一周.

Your PWB周 Daily Tasks

周一,9月. 11: Supporting the Next Generation Residential Construction Workforce

Suggested Council Activity: 分享 on social media how you are demonstrating to the next generation that residential construction is a viable career path. 包括下面列出的细节(不要忘记使用标签) #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek # WeAllBuild. 在你的帖子中):

  1. Tag the name of council.
  2. 分享 no more than two action photos 和 one group photo.
  3. List the activity name (if not evident in the description).
  4. Describe the activity or program in 10 words or less (e.g., Building bird houses with fifth graders).

参加商店谈话:11点将接力棒传给下一代住宅建设领导者.m. ET. Discuss with fellow members 在工作现场为下一代领导者提供最佳定位的策略, in the C-Suite 和 in NAHB leadership ladders. 犀牛酒窖的Luellen Smith和NAHB PWB委员会副主席, 和 Heather Laminack of Ferrier Builders, 公司. 2023年NAHB PWB理事会受托人将帮助启动对话. This 商店 Talk will be moderated by 嘉莉DeWeese of Chinowth & Cohen Realtors 和 the 2023 NAHB PWB Council second vice chair.

社交媒体: 通过张贴您的议会或HBA如何吸引下一代住宅建筑劳动力的照片来推广PWB. Remember to use the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek 和 # WeAllBuild.

周二,9月. 12: Tradeswomen Tuesday  

Suggested Council Activity: 使用 活动手册 为大得梅因HBA开发的技术行业,向小学生和教育工作者推广技术行业. 与小学或图书馆合作,与年幼的孩子们分享.


自愿阅读 The House That She Built 给当地小学、图书馆或社区中心的孩子们买书.

社交媒体: Highlight women in the trades:

  • 我支持行业中的女性——工工局理事会/NAHB成员被邀请分享你如何通过雇佣女性作为商业伙伴来支持行业中的女性的故事或图片.
  • 我是一个商人-张贴你在工作的照片-你是谁,你做什么.
  • Remember to use the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek 和 # WeAllBuild.

Tips to promote women in skilled trades:

  • 我支持行业中的女性——工务局理事会/NAHB成员被邀请分享你如何支持和/或与行业中的女性合作的故事或图片.
  • 我是一个商人-张贴你在工作的照片-你是谁,你做什么.
星期三,9月. 13: Women Making an Impact on the Industry

Suggested Council Activity: 委员会和个人可以强调女性对行业的影响 NAHB PWB周 templates 包括以下细节:照片,姓名,公司,职位,头衔和简短的报价. 会员和理事会可以突出自己的工务局成员或表彰过去的领导人. Remember to use the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek 和 # WeAllBuild.

职场话题:向前一步:女性在上午11点从雇员变成企业家.m. ET. Discuss real world strategies to move from employee to entrepreneur. 分享你的经历,获得晋升和过渡到创业的技巧和策略. 在你的工作场所增加女性的存在,优先考虑住宅建筑行业的多样性. 与两位行业专家聊聊他们长达20年的创业历程. Alaina Money Garman, Founder 和 CEO of Garman Homes, 和 Lynda Tompkins, Principal with Timberhaven Log & Timber Homes有限责任公司. This conversation will be moderated by 嘉莉DeWeese, Realtor with Chinowth & Cohen 和 NAHB 2023 PWB Council second vice chair. 现在注册.

星期四,9月. 14: Prioritizing Diversity in the Industry

Suggested Council Activity: Give the women leaders in your council a social media shout-out. Remember to use the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek# WeAllBuild.

问我任何问题:我希望在我进入建筑行业之前有人告诉我什么 下午5点.m. ET.  Join this interactive discussion on NAHB Connect. 听听女性同事和建筑商关于她们希望在住宅建筑职业生涯中早点知道的事情. 与我们的行业专家聊天,他们在行业中成功成长,拥有超过60年的行业经验. 雷切尔布朗, Owner 和 CEO of 雷切尔布朗 Homes; Stephanie Dailey, General Contractor Steven Dailey Construction; Andi Dirkschneider Bliss, Brookline Homes和eleanor Fleming的总裁兼首席执行官, Founder of Elenor Training & 咨询顾问. Get your questions ready.

星期五,9月. 15: Celebrating PWB Members 和 委员会

Suggested Council Activity: 加入“他们理解了任务”的社交媒体潮流,赞美那些表现出色的个人或团体. 工务局会员可使用“工务局周报”模板,浏览过去一年的重要活动.

PWB Members are asked to download the NAHB PWB周 br和ed PowerPoint幻灯片, 强调他们的委员会在过去一年中最重要的活动,并于周五在他们的社交媒体平台上发布.

Recognize the founders of your local councils. Have your members share, “What does PWB mean to you?”

在脸谱网 和 LinkedIn上与NAHB职业女性建筑成员建立联系.

Remember to use the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek 和 # WeAllBuild.

More Tips 和 Tools

  • 使用PWB周 marketing 和 advertising materials 迅速提醒你的听众,你将在行业的各个层面上庆祝女性. 11-15.
  • Pitch PWB周 to your local media outlets using these 媒体资源.
  • 阅读和分享 新闻文章 that promote 和 elevate women in the industry.
  • Learn more about The House That She Built with the 建设我 活动指南.
  • Select a woman or women to honor at an industry event.
  • Amplify your PWB周 activities on social media using the hashtags#NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek ;# WeAllBuild. 这将帮助你通过社交平台搜索获得更广泛的受众.
  • 在PWB周期间使用我们的品牌更新您的HBA的网站和社交媒体资料 图形.
  • 在线研讨会 以家居建筑行业的女性领导者为特色,分享帮助她们在行业中取得成功的策略.
  • 分享 NAHBNow blog posts related to women on your social media channels. In the search field, type “women” or “pwb” to access the content.
  • 创建一个住房论坛,专门审查和讨论妇女在住房中的状况. 邀请你的HBA的成员,你的住宅建设社区的成员和媒体.
  • Familiarize yourself with industry stats on women in construction.
  • Help promote women in construction by sharing flyers, posters, banners 和 social media ads.

Take PWB周 to the Next Level All Week Long

  • Plan a virtual day with the 女童子军 教他们建筑技能,比如粉刷、抹灰或瓷砖灌浆.
  • 一起工作 NAHB Student Chapters who have developed resources for teachers to use for construction, construction management, 商店, 技术, 和 physical science classes. 使用 这些资源 to market careers in construction.
  • 邀请NAHB学生分会成员或对建筑感兴趣的当地高中生跟随建筑商一天. 多拍一些照片,分享到你的社交媒体平台上,并加上标签 #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek# WeAllBuild.
  • The HBA of Greater Des Moines developed an 活动手册 向小学生和教育工作者推广技能行业. 考虑与小学或当地图书馆合作,与孩子们分享.
  • Review NAHB’s workforce development education 和 training models 和 samples for a roadmap on how to teach to students to build a tiny house.

Continue the Celebration of 职业生涯 in Construction

October is officially 职业生涯 in Construction Month. 寻找资源,以帮助提高对技术行业的机会的认识 taxidalat24h.net/careersmonth.