

NAHB编制了最新的年度报告, quarterly and monthly (not seasonally adjusted) housing market data for new home sales and existing home sales. Additional information is also available in the U.S. 人口普查局最新的数据 新闻稿 以及它的方法论 资料整理.


Analyzing regional sales reports provides revealing comparisons of the number of new and existing homes sold within each of the four primary regions of the U.S., including single-family home sales and multifamily home sales. This report also details the number of new homes for sale in each region.



Tracking nationwide sales and inventory levels offers key insights about current market conditions and future housing demand. These reports can also serve as early indicators of economic shifts, often triggering changes in consumer behavior.



Arguably the most significant factor for consumers looking to buy a home is sales price. The median prices report provides a month-by-month account of nationwide sales prices and the percent change from the previous month.


How Do Rising Home Prices Affect Affordability?

A recent NAHB study estimates that a $1,000 increase in the median new home price ($425,786美元的价格是140美元,436 U.S. 家庭退出市场. The number of priced-out households varies across both states and metropolitan areas, largely affected by the sizes of local population and the affordability of new homes.

在2023年所有州中, Florida registered the largest number of households priced out of the market by a $1,000 increase in the median-priced home in the state (9,573), 其次是德克萨斯州(9),151), 加州(7),243), largely because these three states are the top three populous states.

How Do Higher Mortgage Interest Rates Affect Affordability?

按揭利率上升, 还有更高的房价, 创造负担能力挑战, 特别是对于首次购房者.

NAHB estimates show that in 2023, when the mortgage rates on a 30-year fixed mortgage rose from 6.25% to 6.5%,近 1.3 million households were priced out of the market 中等价位的房子.

What are the Characteristics of Home Buyers?

NAHB uses the American Housing Survey (AHS) as one way to better understand the characteristics of recent home buyers.

2021年的调查调查了这10个国家.2 million households that purchased new houses and those who were first-time buyers in the two years prior to the date the AHS was conducted.

Key Findings about the home buyers in the 2021 AHS:

  • 7% of home buyers purchased a new home.
  • 40%的人购买了他们的第一套住房.
  • The median age of all home buyers was 41.
  • The median age of first-time buyers was 33.
  • The median age of new home buyers was 45.

What is the Median Income of Home Buyers?

In the 2021 AHS, the median household income for all recent home buyers was $97,700. New home buyers had a higher median income than existing home buyers ($112,100 vs $95,200) and 15% higher than the median household income for all buyers in 2021.

约58.2% of new home buyers make more than $100,000, 19.3% make between $60,000 and $99,999, and only 22.5%的人年收入低于6万美元.

Median household income for first-time home buyers was $90,000 in 2021, less than the median income of trade-up buyers ($101,000) and about 8% lower than the median for all buyers ($97,700).

43.6% of first-time home buyers make more than $100,000, 29.1% make between $60,000 and $99,999, and only 27.3%的人年收入低于6万美元. 此外, only 5% of first-time buyers purchased newly built homes in 2021, compared to 8% of trade-up buyers who have higher household incomes and most likely benefit from building more equity during home price appreciations.

Median household income among all home buyers grew 13% from $60,从2001年的000美元降至68美元,2007年下跌4%,至64美元,998 in 2011. 大衰退之后, 居民收入增长加快, 从64美元上涨了约50%,从2011年的998美元降至97美元,700 in 2021.

How Do the Values of New Homes Compare to Other Homes?

In the 2021 AHS assessment of housing market data, the median price of homes purchased was $318,185, 相比429美元,新房是204美元,271美元,445 for homes purchased by first-time buyers.

The median sales price of the new homes was 34.9% above the median for all homes purchased. The median price of a first-time home buyer’s home was 14.7% below that of all homes purchased in 2021, the smallest the spread has been since 2015.

Around 86% of the homes purchased were single-family homes (detached), 8% were single-family homes (attached), and 6% were multifamily homes (condos). About 18% of the homes were purchased with zero down payments and only 16% of the homes were bought with a down payment of 20% or more.

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