
联系人: 经济集团

NAHB经济学小组由受人尊敬的经济学家组成,他们可以为各种受众提供深入而有见地的演讲, 包括行业协会, 企业和媒体机构. Our detailed data analyses focus on current economic and housing market conditions, 人口统计资料, policy and other current forecasting topics. 近年来,这个专家小组向当地和全国听众作了多次演讲. To schedule a presentation for your group, please email your request to

罗伯特D. 迪茨, Ph.D., is the chief economist and senior vice president for economics and housing policy for NAHB, where his responsibilities include housing market analysis, 经济预测和行业调查, 以及住房政策研究. Dr. 迪茨 has published academic research on the private and social benefits of homeownership, 联邦税收支出估算, and other housing and tax issues in peer-reviewed journals, 包括 城市经济学杂志, 住房研究杂志, the National Tax Journal and the NBER Working Paper 系列. He has testified before the House Ways and Means Committee, 参议院财政委员会, and the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy on housing and economic issues. 在2005年加入NAHB之前,他是. 迪茨 worked as an economist for the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, specializing in revenue estimation of legislative proposals involving housing, 城市发展, 以及其他营业税问题. 他是俄亥俄州代顿人,拥有俄亥俄州立大学经济学博士学位.

Ashok Chaluvadi 他是NAHB的高级经济学家,负责进行和协助调查, 比如那些衡量建筑商情绪的指标, finance issues and other related housing industry surveys. He also provides information on housing topics and related issues to NAHB members, 工作人员, 金融机构, Wall Street companies and other individuals. He holds a master’s in economics from Ohio University.

Onnah Dereski is the manager of Economic Services at NAHB. Her responsibilities include providing data, 通信, and administrative support to the Economics 工作人员, 以及NAHB成员和hba. Prior to this role, Onnah worked for NAHB Member Services as a 20 Clubs facilitator. She earned her bachelor’s degree in business from Hope College in Holland, Mich.她的家乡.

保罗Emrath, Ph.D., 是NAHB负责调查和住房政策研究的副总裁他的职责包括为NAHB及其地方分支机构进行统计和经济研究, as well as managing NAHB’s survey and housing policy departments. 调查部门进行的月度调查产生了广泛引用的NAHB/Wells Fargo房屋市场指数, 还有一些特殊的调查,比如用来分解新房建筑成本的调查. 住房政策研究部门进行广泛的政策相关研究,例如估计房屋建设的经济影响,并为NAHB委员会和理事会分析拟议的政府法规变更. 自1992年加入NAHB以来. Emrath has developed many of the statistical methods NAHB uses to analyze housing data, produced over 700 local impact of home building studies, 并发表了150多篇关于各种住房相关主题的文章-两次获得国家投资中心55+住房文章奖. 在加入NAHB之前, 他在威斯康辛大学奥什科什分校教了四年经济理论和统计学. He holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

京福, Ph.D., 是NAHB的预测和分析主管,她负责监测经济发展,以确定与房地产行业相关的趋势和问题. 她还协助预测和分析州和大都市地区的住房市场, 生产研究和文章,详细部门和地理的家庭建筑行业. 在加入NAHB之前,他是. Fu曾在汤森路透担任数据专家,在定量研究和大型数据集分析方面拥有丰富的知识和经验. She holds a master’s and doctorate in economics from the University of Kansas.

番禺郭 是NAHB的高级经济学家,她在那里进行与宏观经济和预测相关的经济研究. She also assists in economic and housing data updates. 在加入NAHB之前, Kuo was a research assistant at the Academia Sinica. She holds a master’s in international economics and finance from Johns Hopkins University, as well as a master’s in international political economy from King’s College London.

埃里克•林奇 CBE, 他是NAHB调查研究小组的一名经济学家,负责进行和协助调查, 包括多户家庭的, 重构, 以及其他与住房相关的话题. 除了, he provides data and information on housing topics related issues to NAHB members, 工作人员, 金融机构, 以及其他利益相关者. 在加入NAHB之前, 他曾在美国室内设计师协会(ASID)的研究和知识部门担任高级助理。, gaining industry knowledge on the built environment and residential market. 他持有陶森大学(Towson University)政治学/经济学和西班牙语学士学位,以及马里兰大学(University of Maryland)应用经济学硕士学位. Eric is also a Certified Business Economist (CBE), 由美国国家商业经济协会(NABE)开发的商业经济学和数据分析认证.

凯瑟琳Koh 是NAHB预测与分析部门的经济学家,她分析住房相关数据和趋势,以做出行业预测和分析. 在加入NAHB之前,她曾在国际货币基金组织和世界银行工作,专注于经济和金融研究. 她发表了一份国际货币基金组织关于移民问题的工作文件以及几份独立评估办公室背景文件. She holds a master’s in applied economics from Johns Hopkins University.

玫瑰五胞胎 你是NAHB负责调查研究的助理副总裁,她的职责包括规划和实施行业调查, specifically in the areas of builder sentiment, 重构, 住房负担能力, 和广告&C融资问题. She is also responsible for special research projects, 比如对建筑商盈利能力的研究, 消费者的偏好, 建设费用和会员普查. Quint holds a master’s degree in economics from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute & 州立大学.

Danushka纳纳亚卡拉 is the assistant vice president for forecasting and analysis at NAHB. 她监督经济小组的预测和分析部门的活动,包括发展和维护国家, 区域, 长期, 以及改造支出预测. Before being promoted to assistant vice president, she worked at NAHB as a senior economist. 在加入NAHB之前, Nanayakkara worked at J.D. Power as a senior economic analyst in the automotive industry. She holds a master’s in applied economics from Johns Hopkins University.

纳塔莉亚Siniavskaia, Ph.D., is the assistant vice president for housing policy research at NAHB. 她在各种住宅建筑法规和住房政策主题方面领导了广泛的统计和经济研究, including construction labor and immigration, 环境及分区规管, 住房负担能力, 以及住宅建设对经济的影响, 等. 在NAHB工作的时候, she developed a model for estimating housing’s contribution to Gross State Product. Before being promoted to assistant vice president, she worked at NAHB as housing policy economist and senior housing policy economist. 在2005年加入NAHB之前,他是. 西尼夫斯卡娅是北佛罗里达大学柯金商学院的经济学助理教授, and senior analyst at Corporate Executive Board. She holds a doctorate in economics from The Ohio 州立大学.

杰西·韦德, CBE, is an economist and director of tax and trade policy analysis for NAHB. His work focuses on analysis of state and federal tax data, 国际贸易, 以及建筑材料. He additionally focuses on local area analysis, such as the NAHB Home Building Geography Index (HBGI). Previously, Jesse served as an economist in the NAHB Forecasting and Analysis Department. Prior to NAHB, Jesse worked as a research associate at the Center for the Study of Services. 他拥有马里兰大学应用经济学硕士学位和CBE认证商业经济学家(由美国国家商业经济协会开发的商业经济学和数据分析认证)。.

Na赵, Ph.D., 是NAHB的首席经济学家她负责分析房屋建设对当地经济的影响并分析住房和工业数据. 她还对住房政策进行经济研究,并监督政府住房和房地产政策的发展. She holds a master’s in consumer behavior and family economics, 以及威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校农业和应用经济学的硕士和博士学位.

布拉格躺 is the senior manager of digital content for marketing and digital strategy at NAHB. Her responsibilities include overseeing the content for 房屋经济PLUS, 协调订阅者的访问, customer assistance and database management. 她还与国际建筑商展™(肠易激综合症)营销团队一起参与建筑商展.com site, as well as other marketing initiatives for various NAHB groups. 在加入NAHB之前, 布拉格是美国联合总承包商的出版助理和客户服务代表.