Roofer with fall protection harness

Fall Protection Toolkit


Falls are the No. 1 cause of accidents and injuries in home building. Keep your workers safer.

Since September 2011, 房屋建筑商和贸易承包商必须完全遵守职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)的规定。 Compliance Guidance for Residential Construction. OSHA’s residential fall protection phase-in period ended on March 15, 2013, 这为建筑商提供了更多的时间来了解规则并获得OSHA的合规协助.

What does this mean for builders and their subcontractors?

Builders and trade contractors must use guardrails, personal fall arrest systems (harnesses and lanyards), 当住宅建筑工地的工人暴露在从一个高度到另一个高度的6英尺或更高的垂直落差时,在未受保护的侧面或边缘的行走/工作表面上使用安全网, 除非雇主能够证明使用这些坠落保护系统是不可行的,或者使用这些系统会造成更大的危险. In those cases, 承包商必须制定坠落防护计划,利用可替代的坠落防护措施.

All fall protection plans must be in writing and be site specific. However, 为特定风格/样板房重复使用而制定的书面计划将被认为是特定于场地的. 坠落防护计划的使用仅限于住宅建筑, 而且房屋必须使用传统的木结构建筑材料和方法来建造. However, the limited use of structural steel in a predominantly wood-framed home, such as a steel I-beam to help support wood framing, 是否会取消构筑物作为住宅建筑的资格.

Which OSHA standards address fall hazards in construction work?

29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart M, which became effective on Feb. 1995年第6号,载有建筑工作的一般坠落防护要求. 额外的坠落保护要求可以在1926部分找到.

What are the Subpart M requirements for residential construction?

Under 29 CFR 1926.501(b)(13), 从事住宅建筑工作的工人必须有常规的防摔装置(如防摔装置).e., guardrail systems, safety net systems, 或个人防摔系统)或1926年允许的其他防摔措施.501(b) for particular types of work. A personal fall arrest system may consist of a full body harness, a deceleration device, a lanyard and an anchor point. (See the definition of personal fall arrest system in 29 CFR 1926.500.)如果雇主能证明1926年规定的坠落防护.501(b)(13)是不可行的或存在更大的危害,它必须实施书面的, 场地特定的坠落保护计划符合29 CFR 1926的要求.502(k). 坠落防护计划必须规定可替代的措施,以消除或减少员工坠落的可能性.

Federal vs. State Programs

Not all states follow the federal OSHA programs. Many home builders operate in approved OSHA state plans 并需要向当地管理员查询有关其所在州适用的坠落保护标准的进一步信息.

Fall Prevention Campaign

职业安全与卫生管理局的全国推广活动旨在提高工人和雇主对从梯子上坠落的危险的认识, scaffolds and roofs. NAHB Supports Worker Safety and OSHA’s Fall Prevention Campaign.

NAHB Requests that OSHA Amend its Fall Protection Standard

2012年12月,NAHB致函OSHA,要求该机构重新制定规则,并再次尝试制定适用于住宅建筑的规则, 而不是继续实行一种更适合商业合同的一刀切的方法.

Fall Protection Resources

NAHB和工地安全研究所为建筑商开发了一个四小时的研讨会, trade contractors, supervisors and workers. 该培训计划的重点是识别住宅建筑中的坠落危险,并为学员提供OSHA坠落保护法规和安全工作实践的理解,以防止与坠落有关的伤害和死亡.

Training materials include a PowerPoint presentation, instructor guide, and resource guide in both English and Spanish:

该材料是根据职业安全与健康管理局的授权编号SH-05122-SH9生产的, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Additional Resources

OSHA Residential Specific Fact Sheets